Here, Now

With social media, we can have an inside look at other people’s lives, see their glamour and success and immediately become unhappy with the person we see in the mirror. It is easy to become jealous of those around us and wonder “When will it be me?” “When will I experience happiness and success andContinue reading “Here, Now”

Here, Again

Imagine this: a soft, steady hum rumblingat the bottom of your chest. With every secondit begs to be released into this world,not as a whisper passed behind a veilof hands, but as a battle cry, a call to arms, a clap of thunder resonating throughout the city,bringing even the bravest soldier to their knees. This is butContinue reading “Here, Again”

The Need for Change

Change is scary—not can be, or maybe, or possibly, but indisputably, change is scary. It is something we experience constantly throughout our lives. Change is akin to a frequent visitor, a relative or family friend that comes over more than three times a week, sometimes unannounced. And even when the visit is planned, there couldContinue reading “The Need for Change”

When the Passion Stops

Passion – a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. Every person on this earth, young and old, has something they are passionate about, something they actively practice and learn more of in their free time. From reading and writing, photography and video editing, sewing, flower arrangements, even theContinue reading “When the Passion Stops”

What Comes Next

In a perfect world, we would be able to follow what we plan to a T. We would all become what we dreamed of becoming: a doctor who saves millions of lives, an accomplished musician writing their fifth full-length album, an astronaut suiting up for their first trip into space. We could be all theseContinue reading “What Comes Next”

A Never-ending March

I am stuck in March, on that long, dark morning. I can still hear the whir of medical equipment, the oxygen machine keeping you alive and with us. We believed you were still coherent, registering both our voices and presence right in front of you, despite being unable to speak. We believed that you wouldContinue reading “A Never-ending March”

One Year Since

A year has passed since March 2020. A year of social distancing, a year of staying inside, a year of worrisome thoughts coming in and out of our heads due to random, wayward coughs. When the pandemic first began, I didn’t think it would be too hard. I was and still am very much anContinue reading “One Year Since”

Mourning Friendship

Mourning – noun; an outward sign (such as black clothes or an armband) of grief for a person’s death/a period of time during which signs of grief are shown. Mourning comes naturally after a loss, especially after the death of a loved one, pets included. We can go days, months even, without eating, sleeping, orContinue reading “Mourning Friendship”

On Love

Love often makes us brittle. We become paper thin, a piece of parchment, folded and creased several times over. Love makes us do crazy things. It makes us skydive out of a moving plane, a million miles out of the air, just to prove our feelings for another person are real. Love is… strange. ItContinue reading “On Love”

Taking Time to Rest

The jobs that we’re employed at, dreams that we pursue, and goals we set for ourselves take an enormous amount of work. We often put in long, grueling hours just to achieve them and support ourselves in the process. It is no easy task, especially when our work provides pay that barely covers the costContinue reading “Taking Time to Rest”